Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Community Room or Via Zoom
Address: 43 Bombardier Road
Contact: (802) 893-6655 option 4
Bruce Jenkins, Chair; Nick Smith, Vice-Chair; Julie Rutz, Clerk; Bill McSweeney; Maryalice Callahan;
Henry Bonges, Alternate; Bob Brisson, Alternate; Scott Turner, Alternate
1. Call to Order:
2. Attendance:
3. Agenda Review: Additions or deletions from agenda
4. Public Forum:
The public may attend and be heard in accordance with Vermont's Open Meeting Law (1 V.S.A. 312).
5. Hearings:
New Hearings/ Business:
A. 138 Railroad Street LLC & Jeremy Marrier, owner/applicant, is requesting PUD Amendment approval for changes to an existing mixed-use PUD located at 134 & 138 Railroad Street, described as Parcel #131105-000000 & 131105-001000, SPAN 396-123-10938 & 396-123-14968. The changes proposed are to convert the existing storage building into a single-family dwelling unit. The subject property survey plat shows the property as 33,158 square feet, is located within the Old Towne Residential/Commercial (M5) zoning district, and the Town Core Planning Area.
B. Clapper Road LLC, owner/applicant is requesting Major Site Plan, Conditional Use, and Waiver approval for changes to an existing PUD located at 2-4 Clapper Road, described as Parcel #203013-000000, SPAN 396-123-13073. The changes proposed are to construct additional storage units, which is an expansion of a nonconforming use per conditional use approval, and to deviate from the front setback on Catamount Dr per waiver approval. The subject property survey plat shows the property as 3.24 acre, is located within the General Industrial (I2) zoning district, and the Catamount Planning Area.
6. Other Business:
A. Approval of June 27, 2024, Minutes
7. Deliberative Session Private session for deliberations on applications and written decisions in accordance with 1V.S.A. 312.
8. Adjournment
Meeting Documents
All documents pertaining to this meeting may be viewed using the following link:
Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 883 1343 5807
Passcode: 606205
Amanda Pitts, Zoning Administrator
Filed in the Town Clerk's Office. Posted at the Municipal Building Entrance; Town DRB webpage, Facebook, and Front Porch Forum pages. E-mailed to the Regional Planning Commission, Burlington Free Press, Milton Independent
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