Small dog stairs, igloo drink cooler, igloo retro cooler, children's books, a work light, a small dog pen, a small dog carrier, a small dog/cat backpack, a chin-up bar, a cushion lab cushion, Tubbs snowshoes women up to 160lbs., lots of vinyl, several of which were produced at Philo, hand made nail/drill bits etc holder. Dry vacuum, a portable dry vac, a 27 inch monitor.
Wood for pen makers. 2,000+ pen blanks made from Vermont hardwoods, many are very nice (A+) and many other great looking woods. Most are by donation or free. Some are small pieces of wood that have not been cut into blankets, pieces of notable woods and special woods for pens and more.
I will have these woods available for the next 9 days.
Contact Jim for wood availability.
9 to 3 Sunday 65 Munsill Ave Bristol
Feb 23, 2025, 2 to 4:30 PM
Vergennes Area Blood Drive - Feb. 26Feb 26, 2025, 9:30 AM to 2 PM
Book ChatFeb 26, 2025, 3 to 4 PM