Charlotte Regular Selectboard Meeting

Jul 8, 2024, 6:30 to 9 PM

The Charlotte Selectboard will have its regularly scheduled meeting Monday, July 8th, at the Charlotte Town Hall. The agenda for Monday's meeting is listed below, and a full copy of the meeting packet is available on the Town's website:{9D6F2FAB-7C3D-43E7-9A49-B54CB487C149}

Meeting Agenda:
5:00 PM Site Visit at Spear Street – Approx. 500 yards north of the intersection of Spear Street & Carpenter Road near Mud Hollow Brook (44.3435, -73.1946)
6:30 PM Adjustments to the Agenda
6:31 PM Approve Warrants to Pay Bills
6:35 PM Selectboard and Town Administrator Updates
1. Nate Bareham
a. Update on emergency repair to west village wastewater system
b. Update on Act 133 amendments to Vermont's Open Meeting Law
6:40 PM Public Comment
6:45 PM Discussion, and possible action, on proposed repair work to the Charlotte Memorial Museum
7:00 PM Discussion of sloughing on Spear Street near Mud Hollow Brook, and possible action on repair
work to be done
7:15 PM Review of CCRPC Speed Study and Traffic Analysis for Ferry Road
7:25 PM Discussion, and possible action, on traffic calming measures for Ferry Road
7:50 PM Review, and discussion, of a possible crosswalk between the Charlotte Senior Center and
Charlotte Post Office
8:05 PM Review, and possible action, on Notice of Vacancy for:
1. Thompson's Point Design Review Committee
2. Emergency Management Coordinator
3. Deputy Tree Wardens
8:10 PM Discussion of a formal complaint made against a public officer – Possible Executive Session per 1
V.S.A. § 313(a)(3)
8:25 PM Discussion of a bargaining unit proposed by AFSCME Council 93 – Possible Executive Session
per 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(1)(e)
8:40 PM Approve Meeting Minutes for June 24, 2024
8:45 PM Adjournment

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Event Info

159 Ferry Road, Charlotte, VT

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