Zumba in the Valley!

Past event
Nov 5, 2014, 12 to 12 AM

Hola Chicas y Chicos!!!
On November 5 I will offer a 10 week Zumba® class at the Middle school Gym in Harwood . If you will like to sign up for the Warren Location, please e mail me!
Here are the details on our first DEMO($ 7 dollars) class and signing up for the first 10 week session!

6.45 PM we'll have a 1 hour Zumba® Class at Harwood Union High school. The cost for this class is $7 each for adults and $4 dollars for Harwood students. Immediately after class you will have the opportunity to register for a 10 week session. The session starts the 2 week of November( no class thanksgiving week) and runs for 10 weeks. If there is enough interest, I will continue to offer this class as 10-week sessions throughout the winter. Thanks
Please email constanciag@gmail.com or call/text 802-917-1776

To register for the Demo. There is no obligation to sign up for the 10 week session if you're just interested in trying out a Zumba® Class. And hey, if you end up liking the class you can sign right up!

Class runs from 6:45 - 7:45 PM and the cost is $70 prepaid for the 10-week session. If you choose to pay per class it will be $10 / class, but please remember I MUST have at least eight paying students in order to run the class!

Everyone is invited to try Zumba®! You do NOT need to be a dancer to make this class work for you! You just have to be willing to make mistakes and have fun while you're learning. I make a mistake in every class, so you won't be alone! Hey - I'm human! :) I am always available after class to break down a song if there is something you just aren't getting! I will be showing low-impact moves as well as higher impact ones. You'll need to wear comfortable clothing (shorts or capri length pants are best!) & bring a water bottle. And I promise that you will sweat.
For more info call 802-917-1776 or e mail constanciag@gmail.com

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