Hi all-
Please note the early time of the meeting (6PM) and that this meeting is being held at Berlin Elementary School to accommodate a presentation about the bike/pedestrian study for the Barre-Montpelier Road. Here is the agenda:
6:00 Presentation Bike and Pedestrian Scoping Study-Route US 302
6:45 Review of the Warrants
7:00 Call to Order
7:01 Additions to or changes to the agenda
7:05 Public Comment
7:10 Rubin Bennett - RB Technologies - Update/Review of Computer server and outstanding issues
7:30 Treasurers Report
7:40 Approval of Licenses, Permits, Vouchers and Applications
7:45 Bids Received for Surplus Property Sale-Nissan Pathfinder
7:50 Bids Received for Interim Financing for Water Project
8:00 Bids received for Fuel Oil and Diesel Fuel
8:05 Approval letter from Listers regarding Errors and Omissions to date
8:05 Request to designate Mercier Road as a private road
8:15 Request to refund mobile home park licensing fees
8:20 Appointment of Authorized Representative and Alternate for Vermont SRF
8:25 Letter received from FEMA regarding - CRS
8:25 Town Administrator Report
8:30 Approval of Minute(s) of Previous Meeting-10/20/14
8:35 Roundtable
8:40 Executive Session - Legal, Personnel, Contract (Executive Session Anticipated)
As always, call, text, or email me if you have any questions or concerns!
Feb 1, 2025, 9 AM to 2 PM
ReStore Waterbury Monthly SaleFeb 1, 2025, 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Camel's Hump Indivisible Monthly MeetingFeb 4, 2025, 5:30 to 7 PM