Attracting Beneficial Insects to Your Gardens
SUNDAY, July 7, 2-3:30
Did you know there's a way to control many common garden insect pests without
spraying? And it's much less expensive and safer than pesticides! Sarah Salatino of Full
Circle Gardens will show you who the beneficial insects are, what pests they control and
how to attract them to your garden by planting the flowers whose nectar and pollen
bring them in. FREE EMG-E
Please register in advance at:
Presenter bio: Sarah Salatino, a former Friends board member, is the owner and head grower of Full
Circle Gardens in Essex, Vermont. FCG grows over 600 varieties of sustainably grown Northeast hardy
perennials, including a full offering of pollinator, North American native, heirloom, and rock garden
Presented by the Friends of the UVM Horticulture Farm and will take
place at the UVM Horticulture Farm, 65 Green Mountain Drive, So. Burlington (behind
Heritage Toyota on Shelburne Rd).
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