As you may or may not know, Creekside is a very busy Halloween hot spot with some households receiving over 400 trick-or-treaters!
With the number of kids and the excitement of the evening - each year we were seeing kids getting away from their parents, crossing the street without looking to ensure it was safe to cross and some vehicles speeding through the neighborhood during the evening. As such, the residents of Creekside again requested, and received approval from the Town Selectboard, to close off the streets to vehicular access from 6pm to 8pm on Halloween night 2014.
To be clear, the request to close the streets was NOT to keep trick-or-treaters out, but to keep pedestrian visitors SAFE from the incredible number of vehicles that come and go on Halloween. ALL VISITORS ARE WELCOME :)
The streets will be closed by the Hinesburg Community Police at the Farmall Drive stop sign in Creekside so as not to hinder traffic along Farmall Drive and Kaley’s Way. The portion of Farmall Drive along Hinesburg Center Phase 1 (between VT 116 and Kaley’s Way) will NOT be closed.
Creekside residents, guests of residents, and persons with special needs WILL be allowed vehicular access.
Also, though not required, we will be collecting donations of non-perishable food for the Hinesburg Food Shelf. Specific items they are in need of include:
Whole tomatoes (canned)
Diced tomatoes (canned)
Peaches (canned)
Fruit cocktail (canned)
Baked beans
Canned vegetables – corn, string beans, peas, carrots
Mac and cheese
All purpose flour
Canned meat (chicken-tuna-ham)
peanut butter
spaghetti sauce
stuffing mix
Canola oil
dried beans (for baking and/or soups)
dried bean mix (specifically for Chili)
split peas
If you wish to make a donation please drop it off at the first house on the right in Creekside (68 Farmall Drive, closest to Kaley’s Way) at the marked location.
We hope to see you here!
~Bill Moller
Secretary, Creekside Community Association
Mar 8, 2025, 9 AM to 4 PM
Fused Glass Workshop: Planter StakesMar 8, 2025, 12:30 to 2:30 PM
Cozy Crafting ClubMar 11, 2025, 4:45 to 6:30 PM