Town Hall Meeting Room (Town Hall, 7900 Williston Road, use rear entrance) or Zoom Meeting ID 846 5863 3532 on or call 1-646-558-8656
I. Public Forum
II. Public Hearing
DP 09-01.27 Rieley Properties, LLC and The Snyder FC Commercial Properties, LLC c/o Andy Rowe request a discretionary permit for a two (2) lot subdivision of 3.08-acres to separate 27 Market Street (0.83-acres, future building pad site) and 69 Market Street (2.25-acres, L.L.Bean building) in the Taft Corners Zoning District and TBFBC Overlay District.
DP 24-15 Engineers Construction, Inc. c/o Ken Pidgeon requests discretionary permit review of the proposed ±2,855 SF addition and associated site work for the existing ±7,080 SF building at 99 Engineers Drive in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW).
DP 24-21 Mochi Investments requests discretionary permit review of proposed site modifications at 151 Avenue C in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW).
III. Communication, Final Plans and Other Business
Status Update on Appeal Proceedings: Docket No. 23-ENV-00133 - Brownell & LaMarch Administrative Permit (DP 19-03 and AP 24-0016).
IV. Minutes of May 28, 2024
V. Adjourn
Project details and site plans are available on the website,, under "Public Records and Documents", then "Agendas & Minutes", and "Development Review Board". Contact Planning & Zoning Office for more information: 802-878-6704 or email
All DRB meetings are also live steamed by Town Meeting TV on YouTube, visit the following link for the YouTube Channel to live stream or watch a prior meeting:
Responses posted to Front Porch Forum are not actively monitored by staff and are not considered public testimony. To provide testimony, please attend the DRB meeting or send an email/letter directly to me: or Hanna Hartman c/o DRB, 7900 Williston Road, Williston VT 05495. In order to appeal a DRB decision, an interested party (as defined in WDB 6.5.5) must provide oral or written testimony, evidence, or a statement of concern.
Mar 5, 2025, 7 PM
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