QCP Meeting

Past event
Nov 3, 2014

Unfortunately, a growing number of us QCP residents have experienced the pain of being victims of crime or have watched neighbors we care about go through this. The uniqueness of our neighborhood does not protect us from a seeming increase in crime here and in Red Rocks Park next door to us. Many people have voiced concern and an interest in being involved in a neighborhood response to reverse this seeming trend. We are calling a meeting to begin this discussion. The goal is to voice and explore options of how we can together make QCP a safer community. Please come to a meeting at the Firehouse on Monday evening, November 3rd at 7:30 p.m. Our goal is to come up with some ideas as to what we neighbors would like to do and then to bring these concerns to a meeting with the police to enlist them in our efforts. If you want to be heard but can’t attend, please voice your concerns to Laura Waters (waterslj@gmail.com 734-1235) or Gary Keller (gary.keller@uvm.edu, 578-6293). Hope to see many of you at this meeting.

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