CESU Merger

Past event
Oct 30, 2014

I have read all of the community comments pro, con and undecided regarding the upcoming vote to potentially merge the 6 elementary CESU school districts into one, cohesive unit along with the MMU district. Not to reiterate the postings by Kevin Campbell and Chuck Lacy which, in a clear, understandable fashion pointed out the advantages of the merger but rather to agree wholeheartedly.

The objective of a school - or school district - is to provide the best education/learning environment for our children, giving them, not cookie-cutter experiences but opportunities to learn and grow both academically and socially - while being conscious of community resources. While we have excellent schools and teachers district-wide, there are vast discrepancies that affect preparation and transition from an elementary school to a middle school where students from distinct districts come together. Many of these discrepancies are dictated by school (political district)"boundaries" and by budgetary demands, especially as school populations decline. Conversations are not broad based across the district but concentrated on individual district needs, wants and resources. A merged district would allow greater flexibility in programming, in professional resources and in community interaction and influence.

We have taken significant steps in making CESU a functioning unit - transportation was once a MMU budget and operation responsibility - it is now a Central Office function; negotiations were, at one time, the responsibility of each school district - we now negotiate common contracts for professional staff and support staff; Special Education was programed and funded by individual districts - again, it is now a function of the Central Office allowing personnel and resources to be shared among all schools: each of the above has resulted in efficiency not only of delivery but also in budgeting.

Is merging individual districts the answer for all of Vermont? I don't think so. Is it AN answer for CESU - I see it as a positive action and absolutely think it is. Will it save significant money - hard to tell. Our current administrative unit now deals with all involved in curriculum offerings, in budget preparation, in maintaining the "brick and mortar" of the district and human relations. Will the State of Vermont move forward on making educational spending more in line with ability to pay - we HOPE so but have no reassurance that, in addition to Corrections Education and Pre-k for all (which I do support), for example, the State will not add more reponsibilities -some funded, some not the education system. Those are not predictable - we, however, can assume control of our community schools, making sure that we provide our children with educational experiences and opportunities . I see the merger as a positive step and will vote yes on November 4th.

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