Monday, June 24, 2024, 6:30 p.m., 236 School Road, Guilford, VT
Call to Order (ESTIMATED Time)
Rules of Procedure (2 minutes)
Changes to Agenda Order (2 minutes)
Public Comment, Announcements (10 minutes)
Approval of Minutes ACTION: MOTION (2 minutes)
Minutes of the regular meeting of 06.10.24
Finance ACTION: MOTION (5 minutes)
Payroll - WE 06.18.24 $7,893
Payroll – WE 06.23.24 $TBD
Expense Warrant #2423 $TBD
Updates and Reports
Town Administrator (5 minutes)
Highway Commissioner (5 minutes)
State Rep. Sara Coffey (8 minutes)
Conservation Commission (8 minutes)
Old Business
Policy review: Personnel Policy, process for upcoming review (Discussion: 5 minutes)
Elected Auditor appointment (Discussion and Possible ACTION: Motion; 8 minutes)
Asset Management Program Plan 2024-25 (Discussion and Possible ACTION: Motion; 8 minutes)
New Business
Authorize execution of non-employee agreement with IT consultant (Discussion and Possible ACTION: Motion; 2 minutes)
Highway Foreman, search process (Discussion and Possible ACTION: Motion; 5 minutes)
Consideration of late filing fee for Homestead Declarations, (Discussion and Possible ACTION: Motion; 8 minutes)
Ratify the hiring of two office assistants (Discussion ACTION: Motion; 5 minutes)
Other Business (2 minutes)
Public Comment (15 minutes)
Correspondence (2 minutes)
Executive Session pursuant to 1 V.S.A. § 313 (a)(1)(B) to discuss labor relations agreements with employees.
Actions from 6.10.24 Meeting
Approved minutes of 5.31 emergency meeting
Approved minutes of 5.13 regular meeting
Approved minutes of 5.06 special meeting
Approved warrants
Approved Ruck-up coin drop date
Approved Rules of Procedure Policy Update
Approved Selectboard Goals doe 24-25
Approved change to Radar Sign placement
Authorized Grant Application for Algiers Scoping Study
Approved change in disposition of Delinquent Tax Penalty
Approved Online Payment system setup
Ratified appointment of Tara to auditor task force
Authorized procedure to sign Checks between meetings
Authorized Chip to provisionally approve payments between meetings Verandah alternate
Authorized Weatherhead Hollow Paving RFP
Authorized Stage Road Ditching RFP
Action Taken
Actions to be Taken
Join Zoom Meeting
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