LRUEMSD Board Meeting

Past event
Jun 24, 2024, 6 to 8 PM

Middle School Site Plan presentation 6pm to 7pm

Regular board meeting with appointment of new Irasburg board member. Any interested Irasburg voter welcome to apply at the meeting.


Lake Region Union Elementary-Middle School District
Board of School Directors Special Meeting

Date: June 24, 2024 Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Lake Region Union High School
This is a special meeting due to the location change.

Information to join the meeting:
Join by phone
(US) +1 402-704-6874 PIN: 408 661 952#
OCSU Vision: All of our students will have choices for success throughout their lives.
OCSU Mission: It is the mission of the Orleans Central Supervisory Union to provide an environment that celebrates diversity and creativity, promotes inclusion and integrity, and partners with parents and community members to give students access to a 21st century education.


1. Call to Order 6:00 pm
2. Truexcullins: Presenting on the site/building plans for a new MS at the LRUHS site 6:00-7:00 pm as well as site evaluation process.
3. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda
4. Board Norms
5. Privilege of the Floor
Public School Board meetings provide a public comment option for every meeting. All topics bring more than one viewpoint and more than one viewpoint is welcome. We expect dialogue and interactions before, during and after board meetings to be civil, respectful and safe for everyone. Thank you for supporting your schools.
6. Consent Agenda (Action)
a. Approve Minutes from June 3, 2024; June 6, 2024; June 13, 2024 Special;
June 17, 2024 Special
b. Approve Bills
c. Accept Financial Reports
7. Business of the Board (Discussion and Possible Action)
a. Revenue Anticipated Note
b. RHR Smith & Company, CPA's Audit Presentation
c. Policy Review: Review and Motion to Adopt changes.
• F33 Vermont Agency of Education Model Local Wellness Policy
• G3 Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements
• G13 Animal Dissection
d. Appoint New Board Member from Irasburg
e. Review FY25 Budget Submission documents – submitted by AOE's deadline June 14, 2024
f. Review Union Bank Current Expense Note for the board to potentially borrow $2,050,000 to
cover the Glover School Project
g. Legal Discussion
h. Resignations/Retirements
i. Employment/Contracts:
j. Review Future Agenda Items from the Work Plan
8. Administrative Requests, Reports & Information (Discussion & Possible Action)
a. Superintendent
9. Board/Committee Reports
a. OCSU Board
b. Facilities Committee
• Facilities Director
c. Finance Committee
d. OCSU Middle School AdHoc Committee
e. Personnel Committee
10. Privilege of the Floor
This is another opportunity for the public to comment on the agenda after the business of the board.
11. Executive Session (if needed, pursuant to 1 V.S.A. sec. 313) —
a. Post Executive Session Action (if needed)
12. Future Agenda Items
13. Adjournment

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Event Info

Lake Region High School District, Lake Region Road, Orleans, VT

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