Future of Doty: Community Forum June 26

Past event
Jun 26, 2024, 6:15 PM

June 26 at 6:15 PM - Please save this date to talk with the Washington Central Unified Union School District board about the FUTURE OF DOTY and configuration options for the district. The WCUUSD board has been discussing configuration options for the 2025-2026 school year. They want to engage all 5 communities in our district in this conversation. The board has two primary configuration models that both include CLOSING Doty. The current timeline is proposing that the board decides on a configuration proposal in SEPTEMBER of 2024 and potentially a VOTE of Worcester residents in November 2024 if the closing of Doty is on the table. Let's show up in numbers and have our voices heard! Can we get 100 Worcester residents at this forum?
WHEN:: June 26th at 6:15 PM
***If you can, please also join members of our community group at 5:00 PM for some conversation, prior to the board facilitated portion. This will be an opportunity to engage in conversation with each other, ask questions and have some resources available to prepare for the board facilitated portion. We're working on having PIZZA and CHILDCARE available for the event!

WHERE: Doty School

FORMAT: What we know from the board is that they will NOT be presenting the specifics of the configuration options that they are proposing at this meeting. Instead, they will be asking us to answer a variety of facilitated questions about configuration, including asking us to PROPOSE possible configuration options. They have said that they will consider viable options that are proposed by the community.

Please fill out this survey to let us know if you are planning on attending OR if you'd like to attend and CANNOT. It will be helpful to know how many people would like to go but are unavailable so we can push for other opportunities to be heard! Let's get 100 or more people there to share our voices!

Finally, thank you so much to all of you who have already joined us in asking questions and coming together in our communications with the board. We had 166 taxpayers in our community sign our Community Letter and 17 youth! We had a great turn out, dressed in red, at the June 11 board meeting and many of you have reached out to the board, talked with us at the Arts Festival and volunteered to help us organize. Our community is POWERFUL and we hope to continue to build momentum to ensure that our community's voice is heard in deciding what is best for our kids!

-Lisa Hanna
Minister Brook Road

For some background information about the configuration process, please see our FAQ.

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Worcester Elementary School, Calais Road, Worcester, VT

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