Selectboard Agenda June 17

Past event
Jun 17, 2024, 6 PM

June 17, 2024
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Meeting ID: 896 2725 6486
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1. Meeting Call to Order 6:00PM
2. Agenda Additions or Deletions
3. Public Comment
4. Selectboard Forum
5. Approve Minutes of 6/5 & 6/6/24
6. Presentation of Water System Financial Analysis and Rates
7. Reivew of Draft FY25 Water and Wastewater Budgets and Rates
8. Request to Meet with the Selectboard – Kathleen Bruce and Karl Novak
9. Consider Request to Establish Non-Capital Affordable Housing Reserve Fund
10. Consider Withdrawing from GMTA Membership Effective 7/1/2025
11. Consider Extending Expiring Water and Sewer Allocations to 8/31/2024
12. Consider Transfer from General Fund to Highway Garage Capital Reserve
13. Selectboard Discussion of Proposed RR1 Zoning District Regulation Amendments
14. Possible Executive Session Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(1)(A) & 313(a)(1)(F) & 313(a)(1)(3)
15. Town Manager Report
16. Approve Warrants and Payroll

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