Addendum for the Barre Unified Union School District Board Meeting on June 12, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.:[...]pdf
This meeting will include a Budget Information Session for the purpose of explaining the article to be voted on June 18, 2024. For detailed budget information please visit Community members with questions about the budget and next vote are encouraged to attend.
In-Person: Spaulding High School Library, 155 Ayers St., Barre
Remote Options:
**Google Meet ID:
**Call in (US)+1 929-777-4801 PIN: 769 689 006#
If you attend the meeting virtually and the video link fails, we will still proceed with the meeting at the assigned in-person location. You must state your name for the record to satisfy the Open Meeting Law.
If you would like a paper copy of the agenda or the addendum, please request from Craig Farnham via email: or call the BUUSD Central Office at (802) 476-5011. An electronic copy of the agenda is at the link below:[...]pdf
Mar 9, 2025, 4 to 6 PM
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