On World Refugee Day, learn about "Strategies for Refugees to Overcome Trauma" with panelists from the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, Connecting Cultures, Vermont Cares, and Vermont Food Bank.
Please join us at the Norman Williams Public Library to learn about "Strategies for Refugees to Overcome Trauma" on World Refugee Day, June 20, at 4 pm. Panelists will include Dr. Richard Mollica, Director of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma (virtually); Dr. Karen Fondacaro, Connecting Cultures, and others from Vermont Food Bank and Vermont Cares.
The plight of refugees is not over when they reach safe borders. Their path to safety and security is laden with challenges including discrimination, gender-based violence, environmental threats, and exclusion. Refugees suffer from trauma, which can have long-lasting effects on their physical and mental health. Once resettled in the US, refugees may face stressors accentuating trauma. They are newcomers in foreign lands confronted with potential marginalization, socio-economic disadvantages, loss of social support, and cultural bereavement.
World Refugee Day was first established on June 20, 2001, in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. This important presentation on refugees – free and open to all – is co-hosted by Grace Initiative Global, the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, and NWPL.