'Just Getting By' is a sweeping, and yet intimate look at the lives of Vermonters who are struggling with food and housing insecurity. Following the screening, there will be a Q&A with the director, Bess O'Brien.
There are 3 public screenings available:
June 19th @ 7:00pm at the Savoy Theater
June 20th @ 7:00pm at the Savoy Theater
June 30th @ 12:00pm at the Church of the Good Shepard in Barre
Mar 11, 2025, 5:30 to 6:30 PM
High Octave Living Seven Week Online CourseMar 11, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Adult Co-Ed Volleyball at Berlin Elementary SchoolMar 11, 2025, 7 to 9 PM