You ask, what is this parade and why is it in Bristol? I will tell you.
In 1999, a school teacher/scout leader thought the scouting community should do something for their veterans. This parade was born in Richmond. Even though Green Mountain Council Boy Scouts of America is the sponsor of this event, they ask a community to host it each year, and Bristol becomes the 16th community to host it.
I was at last year's parade in Morrisville and was asked if Bristol could be the next host town for this parade. After having the membership of the American Legion Post 19 support this idea, I brought it to the Selectboard and they thought it was a great idea. Therefore, the Scouting Salute to Veterans Parade will be held in Bristol on Saturday, November 1 with the parade starting at 11:00 am, with a ceremony to follow.
What/who does this parade draw for participants? This parade is the only parade in the nation sponsored by the Boy Scouts. In Vermont, it is probably the largest parade just in number of participants. We are anticipating 800-1000 people just in the parade alone. This parade will also honor First Responders.
Entries include:
Our Grand Marshall is our own Bruce Emmons, who served in WWII, Korean War and Vietnam.
Bands - 40th Army Band, Mount Abraham UHS Band and the Hanaford's Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps
Delegations from veterans' organizations from all over the state
State Police Honor Guard with antique cruiser
Addison County Firemen's Association Honor Guard
The State VFW Color Guard
The State American Legion Color Guard
Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts
Delegation from each of our five towns' Fire Departments
Vergennes' and Middlebury's ladder trucks
Middlebury's Technical Rescue
Bristol Rescue Squad
Antique military vehicles
VT Army/Air National Guard delegation
and much more
The parade route is the same as the 4th of July parade with the exception it will end on the park with the closing ceremony on the bandstand. The closing ceremony will be centered around our veterans and our guest speaker is a senior officer from the Vermont National Guard.
You must put this date on your calendar to attend this once in a life time event right here in your own back yard.
Since this parade is sponsored by GMC, there are expenses associated with this event and we are asking for donations to help GMC with these expenses. If you would like to donate, write your checks out to GMC and mail them to American Legion Post 19, PO Box 292, Bristol, VT 05443. On behalf of GMC, I thank you in advance for your considerations.
During this day, there will be no parking around the park or traffic around the park, until after the closing ceremony (approx 1:30 pm).
I am the POC for this event and can be reached at, 453-3818 (w), 453-7663 (h), or 989-8573 (c).
Thank you,
Ron LaRose
Feb 4, 2025, 7 to 8 PM
Starksboro Planning Commission Public HearingFeb 6, 2025, 6:30 to 9 PM
Winter Market SaturdaysFeb 8, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM