Plainfield DRB Public Hearing Continuance and Meeting

Past event
Jun 12, 2024, 7 to 9 PM

Zoom Meeting ID: 6280392654
Join by phone; to mute and unmute using landline, press*6: +19292056099

Agenda (Times listed for agenda items are approximations only and may change):

7:00 pm Call meeting to order
Review Agenda make any adjustments

7:00 pm Hearing Continuance from March 13, 2024:
Kayle Hope and Susan Bourque appeal of Zoning Permit
Application 2024-01 for utility shed for storage and tools at 3905 East Hill Road

7:45 pm Review and Approve May 8, 2024 meeting minutes

9:00 pm Adjourn

This agenda is also available on the DRB webpage:

Notice of Public Hearing
Continuance of March 13, 2024

Adjoining landowners are hereby notified of a public hearing before the Plainfield Development Review
Board at the above time and place on the application of: Kayle Hope and Susan Bourque appeal of
Zoning Permit Application 2024-01 for utility shed for storage and tools
For the property located at: 3905 East Hill Rd. Plainfield, VT 05667
The Board will be taking comments on the following: Town of Plainfield Zoning Regulations,
Adopted 2011, included, but not limited to:
Section 3.16 Certification of Required Land Areas,
Section 3.14 Construction Along Watercourses, Waterbodies and Designated Scenic Roads,
Article IV Zoning District Regulations, Section 4.2.
Plainfield Zoning Permit Application, Section C, Site Plan.
Notice to parties:
The application is on file in the office of the Plainfield Town Clerk, 149 Main Street. Although adjoining
landowners are not required to attend the hearing, your participation at the hearing is a prerequisite to
the right to appeal any resulting decision/action of the Development Review Board. [See VSA
§4464(a)(1)(C) for more information.]

This Notice of Public Hearing is also available on the DRB webpage:[...]pdf

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Event Info

149 Main Street, Plainfield Municipal Building, 2nd Floor and Via Zoom

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