Ward 6 NPA Meeting - Thu. 6/6 Agenda

Past event
Jun 6, 2024, 6:30 PM

PLEASE NOTE - We will be in a new and bigger room in the same building. It is Room 112.

Location: 391 Maple Street, Room 112 (NEW BIGGER ROOM IN THE SAME BUILDING!), SD Ireland
Family Center at Champlain College*

6:30 Call to Order, Announcements, Public Forum
- Introductions of Steering Committee members, guests, and invitees
- Call for any public comments or announcements
- Share your news, your events, your questions, and your concerns
- Last meeting until September. May hold a Candidates Forum in conjunction with other NPAs ahead of August 13 primary
- Call for poll workers for the Aug. 13 primary

6:45 City Council Connection – hear from Becca Brown McKnight and Joan Shannon about what's
going on with City Council and share your opinions and concerns

7:00 Ward 6 Traffic and Safety Issues
- Burlington Police Department (Shannon Trammel)
- Burlington Public Works Department (Chapin Spencer, Phillip Peterson and/or Rob
- Burlington Walk-Bike Council (Peter Keating)

7:30 James Patrick Dufour and Steve Kredell, Development of 253 South Union Street

7:45 Burlington History and Culture Project, Melinda Moulton

8:00 NPA Business (Votes)
- Motion to purchase up to $700 for 2 5-gallon pails of graffiti removal (World's Best Graffiti
Coating)($640 for the materials, plus an unknown amount for shipping, if needed), for use by
Arts So Wonderful
- Motion to contribute up to $300 towards translation of the NPA outreach comic, sharing the cost
with other wards
- Motion to spend $420 on 800 NPA Stickers to be used for outreach at the city's Juneteenth event
and elsewhere
- Request for input about next year's schedule and meeting topics

8:15 Adjourn

*If you can't attend in person, there are other options:
1. Join via Zoom:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81027856568 
    (Meeting ID: 810 2785 6568, No Password)
2. Call in for audio only: 1-929-205-6099 meeting ID:81027856568
3. Watch live online:

What is the NPA?
Neighborhood Planning Assemblies (NPAs) are grassroots, neighborhood organizations thatwere established in each of Burlington's eight Wards to encourage resident participation in City government. Working as neighborhood advocacy groups, Neighborhood Planning Assemblies help improve communication between the residents of Burlington and City government through regular meetings scheduled in each Ward. For more information, click here.

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Event Info

S.D. Ireland Family S Center for Global Business and Technology, Maple Street, Burlington, VT NEW ROOM #112

Get Directions

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