Memphre Spring Lecture Series

Past event
Jun 5, 2024, 1:30 to 2:30 PM

Our Spring 2024 lecture series is offering another round of interesting topics presented by regional historians, professors and scientists! Here are the details for our 5th and final lecture of the spring season....
Dr. Jeffrey Packard, local Historian and retired geoscientist presents:
A Vanishing Legacy: 19th Century Rural
Vernacular Architecture of the Southern Townships

The Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communications on April 1st, 2021, modified the existing Loi sur le patrimoine culturel, requiring that all MRCs compile a list of the older buildings within their jurisdictions. The southern portions of the Townships have lost an appreciable number of 19th century rural buildings, but there remains a significant inventory, and these survivors lend a certain grace and charm to the landscape as well as providing a vital link to the past.
This talk outlines the diversity of this legacy; in particular we will be looking at the year 1861, to investigate who precisely was living in what sort of buildings in the Township of Stanstead. Finally some time will be devoted to address the rather fraught issue of heritage building preservation.
All are welcome! We hope you can join us!

There is more to look forward to for our FALL 2024 season! Stay posted and look for future updates.
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Murray Memorial Centre, Georgeville, 4680 ch. Channel J0B1T0

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