Do you visit, hike, climb, cycle, leaf-peep, site-see or drive through Smugglers Notch? The Lamoille County Planning Commission and Smugglers Notch Partners invite you to join us for a public informational meeting about potential changes to parking areas along VT Route 108 through the Notch. The meeting will be held Wednesday, October 29, from 6:30-8:30 PM, in the Meeting House Lower Level at Smugglers Notch Resort in Cambridge.
ORW Landscape Architects and Planners has been enagaged to investigate improvements to existing parking areas, possible new parking areas, and closing/revegetation of existing roadside parking areas that are dangerous or ecologically sensitive. This meeting is a chance to give your input ! For more information, please contact Lamoille County Planning Commission Senior Planner Seth Jensen at 888-4548 or via email at
Feb 8, 2025, 6:30 to 9 PM
Community Conversation: Vermont's Civic Health IndexFeb 13, 2025, 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Somatic Practice for Resistance/ResilienceFeb 13, 2025, 6:30 to 7 PM