The Grand Isle Consolidated Water District Board welcomes Shannon Bundy as a new Water Commissioner who was elected at the October annual meeting and congratulates Julia Small for her re-election as a Commissioner. The Board also wants to thank the many members who have given input recently and helped the Board make decisions to move the Water District forward in a positive and economically responsible manner. Members’ input is always valued, provides good insight and is considered by the Board to be important for the planning process and the future of the GICWD water system.
October 13th saw the groundbreaking of the new Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filtration construction project and was an exciting day for the District! Neagley and Chase is the company that won the bid and, with all the necessary paperwork and permits in place, they are jumping to begin the project before the onset of winter and the freezing ground. Members are welcome to contact our operator Warren Steadman of Simon Operation Systems (372-3865) to schedule a visit to the site and see the progress first hand.
The Board will meet again the second Wednesday of November to conduct usual business and we encourage any interested members to attend (7pm at the Fish Hatchery). Please call Janine Banks if you need further information or have any questions about the water system or you may visit the new website that the town of Grand Isle has provided for GICWD at Again, we thank you for your insight and participation in our ever-evolving water system!
Mar 4, 2025, 7 AM to 7 PM
Fundraiser for CarePartners Adult DayMar 6, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Pebble Party Spring Forward Fundraiser!Mar 9, 2025, 2 to 4 PM