Saturday, June 1, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Adamant Music School Conference Center on 1161 Martin Road in Adamant, VT.
Zac Ispa-Landa will offer a dharma talk and lead us in a meditation, followed by a discussion on how our mindfulness practice can connect us to sources of wisdom, refuge, and transformation, offering support during times of disruption and upheaval.
This event is free to the public. All are welcome.
Zac Ispa-Landa is a mindfulness teacher and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Vermont. He began meditating and studying Dharma twenty years ago, inspired by a vision of personal and collective liberation, and has spent thousands of hours in meditation and hundreds of days on retreat since. Zac lives Winooski, Vermont with his partner, son, and tens of thousands of honeybees.
For more information, email
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