Budget Updates

Past event
Jun 3, 2024, 6 to 9 PM

Hello MAUSD Community,

The board will be holding a Budget Presentation on June 3, 2024. The agenda for this presentation is forthcoming but will be held at Mount Abraham from 6-9pm.

Our budget revote date is June 11, 2024. All community members will have access to a budget flier which will be available electronically and physically.
Voting is available now through absentee ballots! Polling places will be available on June 11 from 7am-7pm.

Additionally, the board wanted to share two pieces of information ahead of the budget presentation. This includes what grant funding our district receives and uses and the detailed budget with a cover sheet to provide context to the budget. Please see those resources below.

Grant Funding - Levenson Format


Detailed Budget - Levenson Format


We look forward to engaging with you!

The MAUSD Board

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Event Info

Mt Abraham Union High School, Airport Drive, Bristol, VT

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