Pipeline Protest

Past event
Oct 27, 2014, 3 PM

Dear Neighbors,

Please join me next Monday, October 27th at 3pm on the Statehouse lawn in Montpelier for #TimesUpRiseUp, a public appeal to stop the fracked gas pipeline.

There are different opinions on this particular pipeline, but given the emergency status of the climate, it's time to switch to renewables and greater efficiency rather than build a large, new fossil fuel infrastructure in Vermont.

We’re asking the Shumlin administration to proactively promote its goals to obtain 90% of our total energy from renewables by 2050. Instead, it is supporting a huge infrastructure to deliver fracked gas to an out-of-state private corporation - International Paper in Fort Ticonderoga, NY. Running a fracked gas pipeline across Lake Champlain could put the entire Lake Champlain watershed at risk in addition to overriding residents’ wishes in Addison and Chittenden counties who do not want the pipeline going through their property.

The Legislature set a goal to improve the energy efficiency of 80,000 homes by 2020. It’s estimated this would reduce our annual fuel needs and fuel bills by about 25% in those homes. Unfortunately, at our current pace and funding, we will achieve less than half that goal.

Let the Shumlin administration know Vermonters are clear about our priorities and commitments to a clean energy future. This pipeline has no place in that future.

Please join with us on Monday, October 27th to express your solidarity with the individuals and organizations opposing the fracked gas pipeline.

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