Rt. 2 Bicycling & Pedestrian Improvements – Final Public Work Session

Past event
Sep 3, 2013, 7 PM

The Richmond Town Plan has called for better non-motorized travel conditions along Route 2 for years. The Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission is funding a project to help the town consider the best way to improve travel for bicyclists and walkers along the Route 2 corridor between Richmond Village and the Richmond Park & Ride.

There will be a public work session to get public comment on the final set of recommendations for a report about improving bicycling and walking conditions along the Route 2 corridor between Richmond Village and the Richmond Park & Ride.

Tuesday - September 3, 7:00 PM - Richmond Town Center

Based on input to date, the report recommends construction of a new paved path from Volunteers’ Green, through a tunnel under the railroad, and following the south side of Route 2 as far as the I89 interchange; this in addition to wider shoulders and other improvements on Route 2 itself.

Please come to the September 3rd meeting and provide your comments to help guide the final recommendations for this important study.

To view the draft final report, please visit the Broadreach Planning & Design website: www.broadreachpd.com and click on Current Projects and then the Route 2 Bike/Ped Scoping Project. For more information on the September 3, 2013 work session, or to submit comments, you can email Broadreach Planning & Design at bikeped@gmavt.net.

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