Multi-family Yard sale and cleaning out 100 years of items! Radial arm saw, Table saw, 4 drawer file cabinet, 6 door metal cabinet, 5' metal desk, 4 1/2' wooden desk, twin bed, exercise bike with computer program, upright freezer, 5' console with record player, 22" tv (not flat screen), doll house (19" X 31"), screen house, weed trimmers, HP printer, kid's bike, Pampered Chef, puzzles, diverse CD collection, hardware, toys, bowling balls, microwaves, lots of kid's clothes, and so much more! May 24-26: Friday and Saturday, 9-5, Sunday, 9-1.
Jan 11, 2025, 11 AM to 3 PM
Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class on Mondays with JamieJan 13, 2025, 6:45 to 8 PM
Deadline for Article Petitions for Town MeetingJan 15, 2025, 7 to 7 PM