On Monday, June 3rd, at 6:30 p.m. the Mountain Views School District board will hold its monthly board meeting at Woodstock Union Middle/High School in the library, and will also offer a Zoom option.
**The main topic of conversation will be the WUHSMS building, and the options and costs involved.**
Next week you will be able to find the agenda and meeting materials, as well as the Zoom link, by visiting https://mtnviews.org/board-agendas-minutes-meeting-schedule and clicking on "June 3, 2024" in the FY24 Meeting Agendas column.
If you don't want the agenda and/or meeting materials, the direct Zoom link is: https://wcsu-net.zoom.us/j/82845639905?pwd=YmozRGdWaHlUSVFNWlY4cXdTM0ZtQT09