School Bond Informational Meeting Oct. 23

Past event
Oct 23, 2014, 6:30 PM

On Thursday Oct 23 at 6:30 PM the Middlesex Board of School Directors will host the first of two information sessions about the bond vote scheduled for Tuesday, November 4. The school board has advised the community about the tax impact of this bond. The school board has also posted the rationale for the bond and scope of work proposed. This information is posted on the Rumney School Facilities website.

As the person who is ultimately responsible for dealing with leaking roofs, peeling paint, inadequate ventilation, crowded classrooms, hallways and bathrooms, I am well aware of the rationale for this school bond. I will be available at the information session to answer specific questions.

Under the direction of the Superintendent, one of my annual tasks is to help the school board prepare a budget for the following year. As I stated above, the board has advised the community on the tax impact of the proposed bond. Were the bond not to pass, one of my responsibilities would be to help the board develop a budget for the next several years that would address immediate facilities issues: leaking roofs, peeling paint, degraded clapboards, and inadequate ventilation among them. Addressing these issues would result in an increase in several non-instructional budget line items, with a potential impact on what is budgeted for student instruction. We would also tackle the issue of the undersized and below-code kitchen.

There are many issues associated with the proposed bond that are truly community decisions and not appropriate for me to present an opinion on without being asked. I will endeavor in the next few weeks to be available for questions. All questions will be treated as public correspondence and repeated at one of the two warned community informational meetings.

The proposed bond addresses many but not all of the identified deficits at Rumney School. Your decision about the upcoming bond vote will have a direct impact on the daily conditions of employment and education for students and employees. The intention of the plans proposed by Black River Design is to improve the educational and social environment for students, improve the working conditions of nearly every employee at Rumney School, and facilitate more efficient delivery of instruction and educational services to students. The plans have been thoughtfully developed with input from the faculty and community, as well as with extensive input and guidance from professionals in the field of school construction.

While I am available to answer questions at this email address and also by telephone, I urge you to present your questions and comments to the board and general public in person at the informational meeting warned for this coming Thursday at 6:30 PM.

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