Hello neighbors, This week's Osher (OLLI) presenter will have us looking to the skies! Bobby Farlice-Rubio, science educator from the Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium will talk to us about The Search for New Worlds: Looking for Signs of Life in the Cosmos. Join us to hear this lively science reporter, often seen on WCAX.
When: Weds., October 22, 1:30-2:30
Where: Aldrich Library, Barre
Cost: Free to OLLI members, others $5 suggested donation
Doors open at 12:30 for those wishing to bring a bag lunch.
FYI, OLLI stands for Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. There are OLLI's all over the US. We have 9 chapters in Vermont. Ours is based at UVM. For more information, email me or call 454-7814. Thanks!