Sean Prentiss Writing Workshop

Past event
May 28, 2024, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

One week from today, join Sean Prentiss for a hands on writing workshop - all are welcome!

May 28th, 6:30-8:30 pm

Living Maps: Writing Setting as a Character
Whether writers live in small cabins in Vermont and write about the natural world or live on Long Island, New York, and write about their suburban experience, they can create place as something more than merely a backdrop for their action. Writers can transform place into something that serves as another character, one important enough to influence characters, affecting characters' needs and desires. This discussion will talk about how to transform setting from a non-vital backdrop into something that enhances dramatic moments, reveals character, and affects tone.

Bio: Sean Prentiss is the award-winning author of Finding Abbey: The Search for Edward Abbey and His Hidden Desert Grave, which won the National Outdoor Book Award, Utah Book Award, and the New Mexico-Arizona Book Award, and the author of Crosscut: Poems about his time as a trail builder in the Pacific Northwest. He has also written two creative writing textbooks, Environmental and Nature Writing and Advanced Creative Nonfiction, and two creative nonfiction anthologies, The Far Edges of the Fourth Genre: Explorations in Creative Nonfiction and The Science of Story: The Brain Behind Creative Nonfiction. He and his family live on a small lake just on the other side of the mountain from Cabot, and he serves as an associate professor at Norwich University.
See you at the library!

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Cabot Public Library, Main Street, Cabot, VT

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