Want to Save Big Money on Heating Your House?

Past event
Oct 28, 2014, 5:30 to 6:30 PM

The Marshfield/Plainfield Energy Committee has been evaluating the use of heat pumps to heat homes. This technology takes heat from outside air to warm the inside air. There has been skepticism about the ability of these systems to extract heat from air at very low temperatures, but operating experience shows they can work. We want to learn more.

SunCommon's Solar Home Heating and Cooling program uses rooftop or back yard solar to power cold climate heat pumps to heat your home at at a price much less than oil or propane. (as low as 1/3 the cost). Taylor from SunCommon will discuss the system and answer questions at Old Schoolhouse Common Community Center in Marshfield Village from 5:30 to 6:30 PM on October 28th

SunCommon is a local renewable energy company responsible for many solar electric installations in our towns. Our Committee does not endorse energy equipment or particular vendors. We are notifying you of this opportunity to learn more about this money-saving technology and the program offered.

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