Hazard Mitigation Committee meets on Thursday, May 23rd at Town Hall (the day after Town Meeting) at 7 p.m. Please stop by and listen in. This is a public event, and each month we try to introduce a topic that could be a future problem for residents... for discussion and problem-solving.
This week - Cybercrime, hacking, ransomware and data breaches with Mike Polowasky. Mike is a cybersecurity professional and he will look at some of the more typical ways a town, business or personal computer can be attacked... and how to reduce the harm.
Also, members will discuss hazard events of the current day that have made headlines, like the massive solar storm we had last weekend. Come join in!
1. Call to Order - Chair Maggie Baird (approx. 7 p.m.)
2. Introduction and welcome of Guests
3. Changes to the Agenda
4. Review of Minutes from prior meetings
5. Cybercrime, hacking, ransomeware and data breaches with Mike Polowasky
6. Situation Report: Hazard news of the present month (committee members)
7. Adjourn (approx. 8:30 p.m.)
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Meeting ID: 628 039 2654
Passcode: 123123
To join by phone (only one connection is possible) call 802-322-5019.
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