2024 Brownsville, VT Independence Day Celebrations

Jul 3 to 4, 2024

"Country Road, Take Me Home" is the theme of the 2024 Brownsville Independence Day Celebrations on July 3rd & 4th! This 2-day celebration remains a FREE family event thanks to our supporters and volunteers who make this happen.

The mountain and village burst out in celebration starting on the evening of July 3 when there will be an array of delights for all including and especially an incredible fireworks display!

The next morning on July 4th, come down to Brownsville Village where you'll find an abundant community breakfast then a gentle, wear-off-the-calories country dance for all ages followed by crafty vendors selling their wares, important local groups sharing important information or why not just buy that book you didn't know you always wanted at the book sale? Outside, there will be music, the sweet aromas of grilled goodies and luscious pizzas. Watching calories? Get a fruit smoothie. Not so concerned on this holiday? There's an ice cream social! Then there will be the Grand Brownsville Independence Day Parade!

Stay tuned for the details on all of the above and here's how you can support this town-wide regional celebration!

Individual donations by check, payable to the Brownsville IDC, should be mailed to: Brownsville IDC, PO Box 37, Brownsville, VT 05037 OR donations can be made at the IDC Fundrazr site at https://fundrazr.com/Brownsville-IDC-2024

To become an IDC Business Sponsor, contact Bill Ley 802-299-9057 or BrownsvilleIDC@gmail.com. There are 6 sponsor levels ($50, $100, $200, $350, $500 & $750). Sponsors receive a parking pass for 7/3 & are recognized in publicity, a large ad (print & online) & are featured on prominent banners.

This annual, two-day celebration only happens because of YOU! Your support of the Brownsville Independence Day Celebration is greatly appreciated by all.

Submitted by
Linda Ley

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Brownsville Village & Ascutney Mountain, VT

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