Announcing the Inaugural Reduce Your Lawn Day!

Past event
May 20, 2024

Celebrate Reduce Your Lawn Day On Monday, May 20th!

Less lawn means less mowing, more flowers, and more pollinators. The mission of Reduce Your Lawn Day, brought to you by the local folks at American Meadows, is simple: to educate, inspire, and convert the underutilized spaces in our yards for a better world!

Grow a wildflower meadow, plant a pollinator pit-stop, or grow a no-mow clover lawn in your yard!

Get inspired - visit our website for 10 easy planting projects + 4 reasons to reduce your lawn. Plus, you can sign the Reduce Your Lawn Day Pledge to be entered into an awesome giveaway with lots of gardening prizes to help with your next planting project.

Visit to learn more and enter the giveaway!

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