Action Prep and Art Party!

Past event
Oct 18, 2014, 11 AM to 7 PM

Time's Up Rise Up! Action Prep and Art Party
Plainfield Opera House
North Side of the Blinking Light on Rte. 2, Plainfield

Vermonters are coming home from the climate march in New York with a full head of steam. You might have heard that a coalition of 350VT, Just Power, Rising Tide Vermont, The Vermont Human Rights Council, and The Vermont Workers' Center are gearing up for a big action to demand a BAN on new fossil fuel infrastructure in VT.

~> TIME'S UP, RISE UP OCTOBER 27TH @ 3PM on The Statehouse Lawn <~

This Saturday the Time's Up, Rise Up coalition is offering an action prep and training session here in Plainfield.
11am - 2pm: Action Prep and Training
2pm - 7pm: The Make strikes again! Make banners, stencils, signs, puppets with skilled and radical local artists.
price: Free. Bring some food or a donation if you like.

Please check out and for more information.

See you soon.
East Hill Rd (the Peep)

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