Town Development Review Board
The Hyde Park Town Development Review Board (DRB) shall hold a public hearing on Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. in the Municipal Office Building, 344 Route 15 West, Hyde Park, VT and remotely, to take comment on and consider the following applications:
Application 2024-7 submitted by Applicant/Landowner Vicki Emerson for a proposed amendment to Decision/Application 2019-04 at 403 Garfield Road (Parcel 13-053-115). The parcel is located in the RR 5 Zoning District. The applicant is seeking DRB approval for amendments to the building envelope(s). The application will be heard under the 2022 Town Land Use and Development Regulations.
Application 2024-12 submitted by Applicant/Landowner Howard Manosh/H.A. Manosh, Inc. for a proposed building permit and non-conforming boundary adjustment at 686 Garfield Road (Parcel 13053080). The parcel is located in the RR 5 Zoning District. The applicant is seeking DRB approval for a building permit for a single-family residence and boundary adjustment of a pre-existing lot. The application will be heard under the 2022 Town Land Use and Development Regulations.
Application 2024-15 submitted by Applicant/Landowner Morrisville Sand and Gravel, LLC for a proposed amendment to Permit/Decision 2021-64R regarding the hours of operation at 480 Garfield Road (Parcel 13050175100). The parcel is located in the RR 5 Zoning District. The applicant is seeking DRB approval to allow access to the pit during the winter shut down for access to previously extracted materials. The application will be heard under the 2022 Town Land Use and Development Regulations.
Town Notice: Per Title 24 V.S.A. §4471, Appeal of DRB Decision to Environmental Court: Only an interested person who participates in the DRB hearing may appeal a decision. Participation in a local regulatory proceeding shall consist of offering, through oral or written testimony, evidence or a statement of concern related to the subject of the proceeding.
The full applications may be examined at the Hyde Park Municipal Office between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00PM, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, or by calling the Zoning Office at 802-888-2300. Questions may be submitted via email to
This public hearing will have remote participation available via Zoom. Please remember, if you are calling in by phone, the number is long distance (please visit for the official notice containing the Zoom Link).
Zoning Administrator - 5/13/2024
Posted by: Justin Mason, Board Clerk, Town of Hyde Park
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