CCV Montpelier’s Team Hunger has partnered with the VT Food Bank and our 2014 Service Learning classes to host a budget friendly Empty Bowls event! The goal is to raise money for the VT Food Bank while engaging CCV students, faculty, staff and the greater Montpelier community in a zero waste event that brings awareness to food insecurity both locally and globally. This event is part of CCV’s Harvest for Hunger initiative.
The event will be held at the Community College of Vermont Montpelier campus, 660 Elm Street Montpelier, VT 06502, October 29th from 5-7pm.
Purchase an upcycled mug (recommended donation $5) filled with soup (from local gleaned vegetables) and bread. Eat and mingle with students, staff, instructors and Montpelier community members. Speak with students and look at projects they are working on this semester that relate to food insecurity and environmental issues. Learn what else you can do to support a hunger free Vermont. All proceeds go to the Vermont Food Bank.
Bring 3 or more non-perishable food items for donation and receive a ticket to be entered into a drawing to win local prizes!