Hello Neighbors and Friends,
Having checked with the Town Manager for permission, I'm posting to remind you all of the informal gathering tomorrow at the Fjeld home on Park Street.
'We are leaving for folks who may be interested in learning about, and possibly helping with, the bio swales/rain catchment gardens on Park Street and Pearl Street. We will be having an informational get together with Holly Greenleaf (Greenleaf Design, LLC) on May 11, 2024. Holly is an Ecological Landscape Designer who, amongst other things, specialized in green water infrastructure/rain gardens. Holly designed the original plans for plantings of the rain gardens on Park Street. We are excited to have her come talk to us about the purpose and design of these gardens. We hope she can help us make a plan to get them under control so they can be both functional and attractive.
To learn more about Holly check out this link: http://www.hollygreenleaf.com
Moving forward, we will be looking for two things:
1. Volunteers to help with the initial weeding and planting of these gardens
2. Volunteers to "adopt" and maintain a rain garden, much like the way the beautiful downtown gardens are being cared for.
Meeting date and time: Saturday, May 11 at 10:00 a m at 44 Park Street (the bio swale in front of Wendy's home)
Looking forward to seeing you!
Sarah Pattis and Wendy Fjeld"
"The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature." Alfred Austin