Astronomy Notes – the Moon and the Constellations

Past event
May 15, 2024, 8:30 PM

The Lamoille County Star Gazers are pleased to announce a public observing night at the Grout Observatory at Peoples Academy in Morrisville. We'll look at two groups of things.

We'll look at specific features on the moon and discuss their characteristics, such as how to tell which of two craters is older or why a crater's walls might have collapsed. (We'll also try to see the area where Apollo 17 landed.)

We'll also look at various constellations and explain how to use them to navigate the sky, such as how to use the stars in the Big Dipper to find the pole star. We'll also give out a limited number of "star wheels," tools to help familiarize you with the sky.

The session will take place on Wednesday, May 15. (If you see the moon and the stars, we're on. You can also check Front Porch Forum or our Facebook page, or email until 5 PM that day.) We'll start observing at 8:30 PM and continue until about 9:30 or so.

• The observatory is on the small knoll on the right as you drive up Copley Avenue and enter the circle in front of the main building.
• Park in the student parking lot by the bandshell.
• Watch your step on the path leading up to the observatory.
• Bring a flashlight but try not to turn it on. The more dark-adapted your eyes are, the better.
• Dress appropriately. It will be chilly out there.

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