This is a reminder that Green Mountain Neighbors is holding a FREE and fun afternoon of BINGO from
1 PM to 3 PM on Thursday, May 9th, at the Shrewsbury Library, .
See how your luck goes! Meet your neighbors! Make new friends!
BTW - did you know that (according to Wikipedia)..."The game (BINGO) was further popularized by Edwin Lowe. While at a traveling carnival near Atlanta in December 1929, the toy merchandiser saw people eagerly playing a game called "Beano," following Ward's rules, with dried beans, a rubber stamp, and cardboard sheets. Lowe took the game to New York, where friends liked playing it. By the 1940s, there were bingo games throughout the US ... The origin of the name Bingo is unknown but may date to the mid-1920s. There are claims that one of Lowe's friends was so excited to have won that she yelled out "Bingo" instead of "Beano," or that the word echoes the sound of a bell.
This is another fun-filled event sponsored by Green Mountain Neighbors! We are a volunteer-led social network of friendly people from the Vermont towns of Mount Holly, Shrewsbury, and Wallingford. Our goal is to provide social and educational community events, as well as non-medical support services, to help people enjoy their homes and communities while they age. Find out more about us and how you can become involved as a member or volunteer (or both!!) by visiting our website:
Call 802-417-2292
Jan 25, 2025, 8 AM to 1 PM
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