A Play Every Town - Concert for a Cooler Climate will take place this Friday, May 10 at 7 p.m. at the Pawlet Community Church (38 VT Rte. 133). Pianist David Feurzeig is playing a free concert in every town in Vermont using a sustainable touring model. Like so much of our everyday fossil-fuel-intensive culture, touring needs to change rapidly and radically if we are to maintain a livable world. So David is using sustainable transportation to make it around the state, entertaining us along the way with wide-ranging, genre-defying recitals that bring together music of an astonishing variety of musical styles, from ancient and classical to jazz, avant-garde, and popular traditions.
David is the silver medalist of the 2001 World Championship Old-Time Piano Playing Contest and recipient of the 2003 "Best New Rag" competition of the Old-Time Music Preservation Association (OM-PA). David is currently a Professor of Music at UVM, where he teaches composition and theory. A free-will offering for 350Vermont will be received.
Learn more: https://dfeurzei.w3.uvm.edu/PlayEveryTown/home/index.php
Jan 25, 2025, 8:30 to 9:30 PM
Upper Valley Baroque Performs at GraceJan 26, 2025, 2 AM
Free Adult Medical Clinic - RC Health PartnersJan 29, 2025, 10 AM to 12 PM