Meeting of the Town of Richmond Selectboard
May 6, 2024
Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT. Meeting may also be joined online or by phone
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Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 846 1116 4424 Passcode: 304382
7:00 PM 1. Welcome and Public Comment
7:03 PM 2. Additions, Deletions, or Modifications to Agenda
7:05 PM 3. Items for Presentation or Discussion with those present
a) Reminder of Volunteers Green Summit meeting on May 13, 2024, 6 – 9pm (2 min)
b) Recognition of Richmond Tree Warden Caitlin Littlefield receiving a Vermont Tree Steward Award # (3 min)
c) Follow up on attendance at Open Meeting Law Training held by VLCT (2 min)
d) Update on traffic signal at the intersection of Rt. 2 and Bridge St. (5 min)
e) Consideration of making an appointment to the Town Center and Library Buildings Committee* # (5 min)
f) Consideration of approving a change to the Andrews Community Forest Committee Bylaws* # (10 min)
g) Consideration of approval of RUTFest trail running event* # (5 min)
h) Consideration of approving the Round Church Women's Run and associated road closures for the event on Saturday, July 20, 2024* # (5 min)
i) Consideration of approval of a coin drop for the July 4 committee to be held on Saturday, May 25, 2024* (5 min)
j) Consideration of reducing the Richmond Transportation Committee from 7 to 5 members* # (5 min)
k) Consideration of recommending to the Town Treasurer the purchase of a 6 month $500,000 Certificate of Deposit* # (5 min)
l) Review of Third Quarter FY24 financials # (10 min)
m) Discussion of process to move budget vote to Australian ballot (10 min)
n) Public Feedback meeting on the preferred design for the Thompson Rd., Huntington Rd., Bridge St., and Cochran Rd. intersection and consideration of approval of a preferred design* # (20 min)
o) Public hearing on proposed zoning amendments to Section 3.7, Industrial Commercial District, and Section 5.12, Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Residential PUD, of the Town of Richmond Zoning Regulations* # (45 min)
p) Consideration of approving the use of $703.00 in ARPA funds for archeology assessment adjacent to the Bridge St. Cemetery for the sidewalk project* # (5 min)
q) Consideration of disbanding the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Committee* (10 min)
r) Update on guidance regarding transferring American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to the General Fund and creating a reserve account for projects directed to be funded with ARPA funds (15 min)
s) Consideration of adding a third speed table to the west end of Cochran Rd.* # (5 min)
t) Consideration of setting hearing dates to amend the Municipal Park Ordinance to include Round Church Green* # (10 min)
u) Review of letter of support from the Selectboard Chair for a Buttermilk LLC application to the Vermont Housing Finance Agency # (5 min)
v) Update on request from Town to the Railroad to remove used railroad ties from Richmond (5 min)
w) Discussion of updating the Selectboard Rules of Procedure # (10 min)
x) Consideration of approving the Certificate of No Appeal or Suit Pending for the 2023 Grand List* # (5 min)
y) Consideration of submitting a letter of intent to participate in the Grant in Aid program* # (5 min)
z) Update on Staffing (5 min)
aa) Update from Richmond Rescue # (2 min)
10:44 PM 4. Approval of Minutes, Purchase Orders and Warrants*
a) Minutes of 4/15/24
10:55 PM 5. Discuss Items for Next Agenda
11:05 PM 6. Possible Executive Session
11:10 PM 7. Adjourn
Time is available at each meeting for public comment. Documents related to this meeting are available at If you would like to schedule a time with the Board or need assistance to participate in the meeting, please call Josh Arneson, Richmond Town Manager at 434-5170 or email Links to videos of Selectboard meetings can be found at
*Denotes Action Item # Indicates documents in the packet
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