Ward 1 NPA at Friends Meeting House May 8

Past event
May 8, 2024, 7 to 9 PM

Happy May Day, Neighbors!

The Ward 1 May NPA meeting will be held next Wednesday, 5/8 from 7-9PM at the Friends Meeting House at 173 North Prospect Street. Come early (6:30/6:45 ish) for food! Or join us over Zoom.

Webinar ID: 962 4593 9050
Or by phone: +1 929 205 6099 ID= 962 4593 9050

During announcements, along with anything you may want to share with the assembly, CJ Knudsen will tell us about the Lake Monsters' upcoming season (https://vermontlakemonsters.com/), and Jonathan will talk a little about bringing our Resolution concerning the relationship between the NPAs and the City to the 5/6 City Council Meeting (https://burlingtonvt.portal.civicclerk.com/event/6972/files/agenda/10120).

Announcements will be followed by as much Speakout as you want to speak out about. And then we will vote on Selene Colburn's nomination to the Steering Committee.

Then Councilors Tim Doherty and Carter Neubieser will discuss budget challenges and other items facing the City Council now.

Martin Lee from the Water Resources Division of DPW will then discuss the service line inventory: "Burlington Water Resources is performing a comprehensive water service line inventory to meet compliance with regulations from the US Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Vermont. The EPA intends to find and locate lead pipes in water distribution systems - the Water Resources Division has no reason to believe there are active lead water service lines in Burlington and has not found any to date."

Did you know that Burlington's Boards and Commissions get appointed in June? These groups are made up of regular folks like you and me and serve the community in a variety of ways. Some boards are more advisory, some focus on policy, some have significant decision-making authority. Samantha will discuss boards, what getting on and being on one entails, and how you can get involved. More information can also be found on the City's webpage:


The full agenda will be posted on Civic Clerk (https://burlingtonvt.portal.civicclerk.com/). It will show up with the May 8 entries.

And a very Happy May to you all!

Jonathan, Samantha, Carol, Tom

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