Saturday, May 4th is the 54th Annual Green Up Day!
This year there is a Guiness World Record attempt for the longest litter pick-up team ever. VT Businesses can claim a 1 mile stretch, and individuals can help set a record by signing a pledge form to pick up trash. Details are at
Pick up your free Green Up supplies from the Bridgewater town office until Thursday at 4, and let Nancy Robinson know where you'll be greening up. If you leave your full bags there, on the road you cleaned, they will be picked up.
Or join us on Saturday at 8 at the town hall to meet your neighbors and be assigned a safe road that needs some love. You can get supplies, details, and safety info. Your full bags will be picked up that day or you can take them to Fast Trash on Schoolhouse Road until noon on Saturday.
Contact Greg Jenne 802-369-0352 or Nancy Robinson 802-672-3334 with questions. Consider asking a friend to join you, and boost our participation in 2024!
Did you know? Vermont is the only state dedicated to an organized state-wide volunteer cleanup. Thank you to EVERYONE who has already volunteered to pick up trash along the roads this spring!