Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 6:30 PM
To be held at the Lincoln Town Office and remotely via Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 1023 8382
Passcode: 792731
1 Call to order
A Establish that a quorum is present.
B Introductions given by DRB members and Zoom participants.
Zoom participants will be removed from the meeting unless they state their name and turn on the camera briefly for the record when called upon by a member of the DRB. Communicating this information is necessary to maintain an accurate attendance record.
C (**) Review Agenda for approval: for addition, removal, or adjustment of any items per 1 V.S.A. §312(d)(3)(A).
2 (***) Public Comment – [Opportunity to briefly (5 min. max.) present issues, ideas, and concerns on current issues, events and topics not found elsewhere on this agenda. Some issues may require more agenda time scheduled for a later meeting date]
[If time allows public comment on agenda items MAY be heard if present issues, ideas allowed by the chair or by unanimous assent of the board members present.]
Note: The times listed below for hearings are approximate. Applicants and interested parties are encouraged to arrive prior to their scheduled times.
3 6:40pm - 7:15pm
(**) Continue a Public Hearing for Subdivision Application #23-095 as requested by Deina & Patrick Olstad for their property located at 296 West Hill Road, Lincoln, VT, Parcel I.D. 06070333.00. Description: Proposed 3-lot subdivision for estate and financial planning.
4 7:20pm - 7:55pm
(**) Conditional Use Application #24-019 as requested by Benjamin and Trish Shepard for their property located at 1720 Lincoln Gap Road, Lincoln, VT, Parcel I.D. 27100115.200. Description: New construction of a residential home greater than 3,500 square feet.
A Ben is interested in becoming an Alternate for the board after this application is completed.
5 8:00pm - 8:30pm
(**) Subdivision Application #24-024 as requested by Karen A. Lueders, Esq. on behalf of the Taylor Family Real Estate Trust for their property located in Lincoln, VT, Parcel I.D. 31100180.000. Description: To create a 5.3 acre parcel from the larger family parcel for the construction of a three bedroom home.
6 Old Business
A DRB vacancies
1 Still need (1) Alternate
2 Barry and Steve are interested in remaining on the board in their current roles
B Past Meeting Minutes adjustments and approval.
1 (*) 4.03.2024
C Review items from Steve Gutowski
1 Findings of Facts draft(s).
2 Anything else as needed.
7 New Business
A New DRB applications on the horizon?
B Upcoming joint meeting with Selectboard, Planning Commission, and the Development Review Board re: Town Plan, zoning regs, and AirBnBs
Most likely in June some time
C Volunteer Fair 10am - 12pm at the Firehouse this Saturday 5/4 (during Green Up Day)
D Other items as needed.
8 (*) Adjournment
Feb 19, 2025
Bristol Energy Committee MeetingFeb 19, 2025, 7 PM
Career Center CMA & Phlebotomy Combined CourseFeb 20, 2025, 6 to 9 PM