You don't have to be a Y member to work with a Y personal trainer, take a specialty class or learn how to swim. A new 7-week session starts November 3. Registration is open now for Swim lessons, Kettlebells, Women's Strength Training, Breakthrough Free Weights and So. Much. More.
Not sure what is right for you? Test drive the Y! Attend our Open House at the Pomerleau Family Y in Burlington, Saturday, October 18th from 8:30-3PM. SPIN at 8:30 and ZUMBA at 9:45 and So. Much. More. Meet staff, try cardio equipment, swim laps. Bring the kids too. Beginning at noon there's a Health Fair presented by CEDO with over twenty community and wellness experts. Go you! Go Y!
Mar 13, 2025
The Shelburne PlayersMar 14, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Saturplay at BNMLMar 15, 2025, 10 to 11:30 AM