St. George Republicans Presidential Caucus

Past event
Apr 30, 2024, 6 to 7 PM

All Republican voters in St. George are invited to join us next Tuesday April 30th at the Pavillion outside the Town Clerk's office for our official Presidential Caucus which happens once every four years. Why are Republicans holding a caucus after our March Primary? The purpose of the caucus is to allow Republicans in St. George to choose 4 people from our town to participate in the Vermont State Convention on May 18th where hundreds of Republicans from across the state will elect 14 Vermonters to send to the National Convention, and to help shape the party platform, rules, and other aspects of the Republican National Committee. Our delegates from St. George will also get to attend our State Convention which will also feature other activities like trainings, luncheons and guest speakers.

If you are interested in becoming a delegate to the State Convention - or even running to serve as a National Delegate, make sure to show up next Tuesday the 30th to learn more. If you are unable to attend this meeting, but would still like to get more involved with Vermont Republicans please feel free to contact me by email at

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21 Barber Rd, St George, VT

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