Panton Residents - May 4 is Green Up Day!

Past event
May 4, 2024

As the April showers come and go, the landscape is, once again, a dazzling green, daffodils are blooming and trees are budding; the perfect time to take part in Vermont's annual Green Up Day. This year the date of the event is Saturday, May 4th. But no need to wait until the designated date to help with the effort! The bright green trash bags are already available at the town hall, town garage and at 1480 Hopkins Road, so grab one when you can and join in this rewarding community effort. You can take filled bags to the town garage, where there is already a collection begun by fellow Panton residents. Or you can leave closed bags along the roadsides in town where the road crew can pick them up.

We look forward to seeing lots of volunteers, both old and new, pitching in to collect the trash blighting our roadways. What an opportunity to show appreciation for this beautiful bit of the planet we call home!

There will be refreshments offered at the town office between 9am and 11am on the morning of the 4th, Select board member(s) on hand, and even free stickers and pencils for any early bird kids, so please join us there for a proper spring celebration!

Find further information at the town web site.

For any questions or to report where you are going to pick up please contact:

Coordinators: Paula Moore; 802-475-2699, 802-989-4632. Louise Giovanella; 802-349-0347

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